Llandow Community Council has ten elected members representing the citizens of the community, divided into three wards:
  • Llandow which has 4 Members
  • Llysworney which has 4 Members
  • Llanmihangel which includes Sigingstone and has 2 Members.
Details of each ward's Councillors can be found on the Councillors page.


The Chairman for the year is Councillor Catharine Bray
and the Vice Chairman is Councillor Darren Williams-Hackett.


The Clerk to the Council is Mr. David-Lloyd Jones and he can be contacted:

Council Meetings

The Council normally meets at 7.00 pm on the first Thursday of the month, excluding August, at Llandow Village Hall and remotely via Zoom and members of the public are warmly encouraged to attend. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to attend.
A list of the Councils meetings can be found on the Meeting Dates & Venues page. Members of the public should contact the Clerk if they wish to observe a meeting remotely.

County Borough Councillor
The County Borough Councillor who represents the Community Council area of Llandow is Councillor Christine Cave.